Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Received my acceptance letter late last week for the Inman Park Festival. Am VERY excited to be there on my own this year. But today, I did the math and realized that I'm already behind my production schedule, and that I'll need to really, really step it up into high gear if I hope to create the vision I have in my head in real life.

I frequently "see" things in my head that I just know are GREAT ideas. But rarely are they as fully fleshed as is this particular plan. In fact, I think I can safely say that only my Lottery House is as well-furnished (in my head) as is my Inman Park booth for 2009. For starters, the flowers are going to be out of control. And there will be A LOT of triangles. And some serious plaid. That's all I'm sayin'.

Stay tuned for images as the mock-up gets mocked. And if you're around the ATL in late April, stop on by!

1 comment:

dana said...

cool, exciting! Too bad I can't easily "stop by" :)